Peanut Gallery extended family members Basik and Reese One, known collectively as Bleu Collar, have got some certified California heat in the works right about now. These Californian cohorts have been setting the standards for creative but accessible hip hop music since the mid-1990's, and successfully laid the trackwork for a plethora of copycats that now thrive in the global rap scene. Their classic self-titled release was a testament to the true guard of the Los Angeles pseudo-underound artist: artistically boundless music with an anchor in modern appeal While many groups since have touched that realm, not many were able to fully encompass the chemistry and understanding shared between Basik and Reese One.

In a collaborative effort with west coast news outlet DubCNN, Bleu Collar finally returns to the forefront of L.A.'s creative hip hop underground with their newest EP release, "Training Camp"; which will soon be available for free download at

Preview of Bleu Collar's latest single featuring Portishead HERE.
Visit to watch the new music video HERE.
Purchase previous Bleu Collar classic releases HERE.