Royal Space Force
The Uber Code E.P.
The Uber Code E.P.
The Uber Code E.P. is a little gem I ran into few years back. Now I can’t remember how I came across this record, but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with the packaging (it’s a tiny 80mm disc with screen shots of the original Nintendo Gameboy on it’s tiny, tiny, box cover). This is music for geeks and nerds who want to impress people with their weird and daring experimental music (this will not impress chicks), which means I kinda like it. In fact, if it was not a 20 minute long jam session filled with sounds culled from what appears to be every video game made in the 80’s, and Royale Space Force decided to condense their ideas into shorter tracks, this could be tweaked into something more… listenable. But no. These fuckers or fucker, I don’t know Royale Space Force like that, gotta be experimental. Why? Why you gotta do that? Do you know I can only sit through your E.P. when completely baked? Is that the point?
Take a listen for yourself - Visit Royal Space Force HERE.