Original Peanut Gallery member and artist, Himself.
Many have slept on this stunning West Coast artist's career since his underground inception in Los Angeles' independent explosion during the early 1990's. Raised and cultered in underground hip hop affiliated with the west coast's best (Living Legends, Project Blowed, Good Life, etc.), Himself is an integral piece of the chemistry that laid the groundwork for what The Peanut Gallery Network has flourished into today. Himself has always been the thoughtful and introspective MC that he is today, whether performing solo or with side groups like Antiques (Himself and bLvMe), Netherworlds (Himself, Anacron, Murs), and his current project Everyday Bubble (Himself and Sunspot Jonz). From the past to the present and into the future, Himself maintains his stance as an often overlooked, but rarely underestimated voice in hip hop.